Friday 30 December 2011

First Post :)

I suppose it is fitting to name this entry First Post :D

Well I did it. I made a blog! I had been considering it for a while and I took that leap (I can now effectively check this off my New Years Resolutions...and it isn't even the 31st yet! Woo!)

Here are a few glimpses of my holidays thus far I would like to share:
A photobooth moment at Hillsong church :)
Also where I got my first TATTOO:

AHAHA I tried tricking a few people into thinking it was a real tattoo (furrealz) but nobody bought it (not that I expected them to rofl). So to correct above, my first airbrushed tattoo. My mum saw it and she was like "What's that on your wrist??" (She's paranoid cos one of my family friends recently got a huge tattoo haha and she thinks now I'm influenced) and I was showed her and she said "Oh. Well don't get a real one!!"
Haha. And at the beach last Tuesday I kept forcing people to look at it and be like MAH TATTOO!! I SHOULD JOIN THE TRIADS!!

Beaching with frans and doing the DANNYLEE pose!! V(^o^)V
Although we went to the beach we actually spent more time on the grass...
Roast ham I helped make :) Ooh I have a cool story about Christmas dear readers: Well on Christmas day in the morning I was sleeping in (cos my sister and I were so excited and opened our presents at 2am haha we were so sleepy the next morning) and my mum came into my room and told me she would be picking up a friend to join us for Christmas lunch. I kinda vaguely nodded and when I woke up I got changed and set the table for our guest, expecting some 50something year old asian grandpa to come over. Well my parents come back shortly and this young 20 year old guy is with them and my face: O.O
Who is this? How come my parents are so hip??
Haha well the story goes my parents went for a 2 week overseas trip last term by themselves to visit their parents and on the plane ride back they sat by and befriended a Chinese international student who is studying English and actuarial science at Macquarie Uni and had gone back to China to visit his family. On account of the fact that the rest of his family is back overseas and he is alone in Australia studying, my mum felt so sorry for him being along on Christmas she invited him over for lunch.
:D ANyway I think my mum saw it as her mission to fatten him up (he wasn't particularly skinny but she insisted he was probably living off ramen noodles which was probably true) so she gave us SO MUCH to eat at lunch (roast turkey, roast ham, salmon, roast vegetables etc etc and ice-cream and cake and pudding) which was B-A-D cos that Christmas night we were all going out to Stamford to eat a big Christmas buffet dinner) and so my mum made us all full haha and we didn't end up eating much when we got to Stamford later that night. And she forced the international student (whose name is Kyle) to take home boxes of leftover food haha

This was the HUGE, EDIBLE, gingerbread house at Stamford :D The food there wasn't actually that special for the $$ price but the atmosphere was so nice. There were Christmas songs blasting out whilst we dined and a Santa even came, ringing a bell, and we got to take a picture with him.
Not that great of a photo cos no one is looking but here is one of the pics of us with Santa!!

Here are the shorts I bought from Myer at the BOXING DAY SALE! Wow that was a crazy day. Lesson learnt-sleep in on boxing day in the future. The crowds are MASSIVE and some poor girl had a nosebleed and was standing in some corner with no tissues so there was blood on the floor and everyone just rushed past her which was sad and my sister and I stayed with her until she said she was feeling better which made us late for lunch with my mum and my aunt and Issie and her sister and her mum but that was okay :)
It was my aunt's birthday on the 28th and my mum forgot to buy the cake during the day and JUST remembered about 20minutes before we had to head out so she drove to Winston Hills Mall (that trusty place) and got the last cake they had for sale at Michel's Pattisserie. Haha it was quite a kiddy-ish cake for my aunt and very sweet (too much chocolate) but it was nice :D I'm sick of the endless fruit flans and cheesecakes we always have so yay :)
And funny story the next day after my aunt's birthday I went out to Yum Cha with some friends at that same restaurant (Prince at Parramatta btw) and I have pretty bad eyesight without my glasses right so I was talking and then I spot somebody who looks like my aunt on the next table but I couldn't really tell so I asked GZ (who I invariably count on for many things including reassuring me there are no ghosts in the Castle Hill library toilets and in this circumstance, with his contacts-enhanced superior vision whether or not that was my aunt or a doppleganger) and yes it turns out it was. What a coincidence haha! She came over and said hi and I said hi to her friend and it was nice :D
After Yum Cha (in which I did NOT spill tea unlike last time...Sorry Lui haha) I borrowed these two anthologies of short stories at the library for much needed inspiration for my own creative writing piece I have yet to write for English Advanced. The stories were very good, the standouts were a heartwarming piece called 'The Half-Brothers' about a brother who gives his life for the other and one called 'The Therapist' which makes you question the notion of sanity.
This is a notebook I received yesterday from a kind individual :) Thank you GZ! HAha two mentions in one post...seeing as you're going to be my first (and probably only) reader I probably should encourage this sort of audience interaction lol
Still trying to think of what I should write in it...Recipes for dishes I would like to create sometime in the future? A diary? CHEMISTRY NOTES? Rofl not that last one I have an older sister and cousin who have both gone through it all before (and LIVED to tell the tale HAHA) who have kindly passed down their folders and folders of assessing ethylene and lead acid batteries and whatnot :P
Give me ideas dear readers :D
This is Biscuit. She looks very cute doesn't she? DON'T BE DECEIVED ! Yesterday I was playing with her and turned around for the merest minute or two and when I came back she had somehow STOLEN MY GLASSES and chewed them and broke them :(
See? :( Naughty Biscuit :( I still love her though haha <3

I think that's about all the recap-ing thus far, thus ending my First Post. It looks more impressive with the capitals haha. Did you know in the German language they capitalize all the nouns? Like this: I am going to the Shop to buy Bread. Ich bin in den Laden gehen, um Brot zu kaufen. I admit I used a bit of googletranslate for the verb bits, verbs in German are a PAIN. And my memory of the German language is rather rusty at best. Oh well I have kept every single one of my textbooks and those magazines they gave us so one day I can remind myself haha. I DO remember however that all nouns also had genders, whether feminine, masculine or neutral and dogs were masculine and cats were feminine.
It's New Years Eve tomorrow everybody, make sure you STAY SAFE wherever you are going and whatever you are doing :) As for my plans, I am looking forward to watching 'New Years Eve' tomorrow and going out the city with family to stay in a hotel and watch the fireworks from there (the 9pm ones. We're not that cool to watch the 12 ones haha.). Ooh and SPARKLERS it's a prime time to use those sparklers in your cupboard tomorrow :)
                                           Sparklers we had at EL's birthday party this year :)

Love, Michelle