Wednesday 11 July 2012

Holiday Adventures

Hello everyone! I hope you've been enjoying your holidays despite the looming TRIALS! Me and CZ were talking about trials today. Apparently some schools like Sydney Boys has already finished them last term :O I couldn't imagine doing them that early.

Anyway here are some stuff I've got up to since my last blog post:

On Friday I went to GW and SS's 17th birthday party. Here is a badly taken pic of the dress I wore:

My mum bought it for me to wear to the party and when I saw it I was thinking odd...this dress look's familiar. It's actually RH's semi-formal dress but hers was purple, my mum bought it in coral. MQ said it reminds her of a towel. Lol. At the party VB was wearing my red semi-formal dress. Haha.

Le photo my sis took of me before I left haha. I'm wearing my Vinnies necklace I blogged about a while ago ! :)

Lol I took this one of my and my sis and she's mucking around

To wrap their presents I used my polka dot paper bags and somebody saw them and said oh hey it's your signature wrapping style and I realised it is now haha. I used the same type for Jashan's bday too :)

I made a cake on Saturday after going out to eat dinner with my family at Temasek :)

I made some sort of collage haha. First make a basic vanilla cake, all the ingredients should be lying around it's just sugar, eggs, flour etc. My sis cut the cake into three bits then let it cool. We whipped up some cream and spread it, with some blackberries, raspberries & blueberries between the layers. My sis piped the chocolate letters haha. Basically you melt chocolate, put it into a plastic bag, snip off the corner and pipe it onto a piece of non-stick baking paper. Let it harden and it will be ready to use. Don't pipe too thinly and the chocolate will break into pieces when you try to pick it up.

The berries were had juice dripping and the cake didn't look that enat so I walked to the store and bought some wafers. Using scissors cut the wafers to how you like and put it all around the cake using cream as a 'glue'. I made it so the wafers at the back of the cake were higher than the ones in front.

When I was done with the wafer decoration I put it in the fridge to kind of 'set' so it no wafers would randomly fall down. Then I chose a gold ribbon from my ribbon bag and tied it around the cake and tied a bow. Done! Haha. Happy birthday GZ! I hope you got a surprise when I turned up at your house like a stalker...

Random note about wafers: You know I never understood the joke 'Why was the cookie sad? Because his mum was a wafer so long' the ENTIRE time I was growing up. I only understood it when I was buying wafers for the cake and I had an epiphany! His mum was a-WAY FOR so long. HAHA

Because I like collages and I'm proud of the final product I made a collage of what the cake turned out like

I went to the library on Monday. There were about 3 tables of people just from our school haha. It was fun :) Tendercrysbeachicken calls this studying-with-friends 'librarying'.

On Tuesday I went to Catswood LOL I mean CHATSWOOD for the first ever time in my life with CL and KT :) It's soo nice. We went to eat ramen for lunch at a place called Makanai and there was this option called VOLCANO RAMEN with a picture of 2 chillies next to it HAHA so I decided to get it and I choked on the first mouthful lol. Then KT tried some and he was choking too hahaha.

It actually wasn't THAT spicy, just the first bite of chilli makes you choke a lot haha. They had an option called SUPER VOLCANO but I didn't get it lol.

Next time I definitely want to try the Wagyu Beef Curry Udon. Yum haha :)

After that we went to get 'Froyo' (frozen yogurt) as CL calls it. It was my first time ever trying frozen yogurt. It was a self-serve place and it was really fun, there were so many flavours like Blueberry, passionfruit, strawberry, even taro (it was really nice), peach etc and our self-serve tub was so colourful after hehe. And you got to pick your own toppings! We got peach, blueberries, some syrup and something chewy called mochi. A whole tub that we shared was only $10 so it was pretty cheap too! And super yummy :)

I actually didn't like that many toppings. My favourite flavour was passionfruit :) Once KT gets to sending me the pic we took of our froyo I will show you guys hehe

Also me & CL took our dogs to the dog park!

Biscuit loves walks

It was our first time going to the dog park. She was so excited she ran around in circles for ages. We were about to leave the dog park (no other people had come round with their dogs except an old man with his labrador that he didn't let off the leash because it was too boisterous) and then this girl with a black dog walked past us in the direction of the dog park and we were like...should we follow her back to the park lol. So we did and all the dogs got to play haha. Her dog's name was Ziggy and it drooled on Biscuit lol.

She was SO tired out when we got home after that she slept for probably >3hours after

Anyay that's about it! Hope you guys are enjoying your holidays!

Love: Michelle

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