Sunday 1 July 2012

Last School Camp Ever

Hey guys! I've been sleeping SO much this weekend...trying to catch up on lost sleep after camp zzz

I took 7 polaroids at camp hehe :) Camp was awesome! Here are a few polaroids I took:

This is our team for Treasure Hunt. We found a grand total of......3 pegs! I for each of us. The winning team found 147. Woo. Haha our game was bias, the pegs that were 'scattered everywhere' were in actual fact all in the same place-on the massive oval. And the team that got there first got all the pegs. Haha. Still lots of fun though :)

This one's pretty dark but we're carrying our guns from laser tag. My first ever game! It was AWESOME, so much fun haha. The set up was an outdoor laser tag like this-

There were these black blocks with holes/rectangles cut out of them. During the first round it was so hectic I couldn't stop laughing and thinking laser tag was ridiculous but it was so fun haha and I managed to deactivate SA!!! Yup I shot him 5 times and deactivated him. Our laser guns talked back to us which was awesome. The funnest round was the respawning round, where in the first 4 minutes you could die and get respawned as many times as you wanted to and in the last minute you couldn't. Haha so in the first 4 minutes we all went crazy running into the enemy's camp and going behind them...

Woo gradelove polaroid! It makes me sad to think that when we graduate, gradelove will be gone too. It was a good run, and as JL says we'll make sure to keep cdelebrating gradelove's anniversary even after high school :') Letters was a bit stressful this time but still fun, I'm glad people enjoyed it.

The disco was CRAZY. Haha we were late because our room got locked (even though it isn't supposed to) and Mr S had to come and open it for us, and then KF wanted a style session where we straightened his hair so we only got to the disco at around 7:20? It was all dark inside with so many lights and the music was SO LOUD. My ears were ringing afterwards. It was lots of fun though haha :)

I only got about 3 hours sleep at camp because we got some 2:30am visitors HAHA and we played snap. GZ is so bad at Probably the most rebellious thing I've ever done..yes I have a tame, boring life HAHA. And it wasn't even us being the rebels, they were the sneaky ones HAHA.

SO that's our last camp-lots of fun, good memories. It's strange that it was over so quickly, the thought of camp helped me get through assessments last term. I guess the upcoming 'happy' thought to get me through all the rest of the hsc will be various 18th bdays and year 12 formal :)

Love: Michelle

P.S. When I got home from camp I saw this had arrived in our letterbox:

Does anyone know what it is lol. It's a FURMINATOR! It's a fine comb that takes out the fur that sheds off in dogs, and since Biscuit is a notorious shedder it's been soo helpful. I've used it to groom her for the past 3 days and it's worked SO well!

Hehe furminator. Biscuit loves it too.

Also today I was in the mood for potatoes so I cooked these for lunch- Latkes!

They are little potato pancakes/fritters that people eat around Hanukkah, I remember I once read a story about Hanukkah in the School Magazine (the one with Ernest the Carrot haha) and they ate latkes in that story. They're very yummy :)

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