Thursday 15 March 2012

Biscuit not pregnant and dem approaching 1/2 yearlies

Hey guys! I haven't blogged for a while :)

My cousin, who is a budding veterinarian, came over to inpsect Biscuit and turns out she's not pregnant!

Sorry to all those people who were excited and wanted puppies :(

I'm only a baby myself so I'm probably not ready for puppies-Biscuit says :)

She's actually not THAT young (about 1 year and 3 months) but she's like my baby hehe :D

Also turns out my English Extension teacher is leaving us! D: How can we cope??

On a completely unrelated note doesn't he (Mr. McD) look like the guy in the top left of this poster? It's Lenin btw :) Modern history is the best!

Today we were watching a documentary about Stalin and his myths and then the video started talking about how Stalin was very aware about his double chins and would always make sure to lift his head up and to the left so you couldn't see the chins on camera LOL and whenever he forgot and you could see his chins he forced all that footage to be deleted (Stalin is bottom right btw).

In the USSR or the United Senior Study Room, there is a pic on the board of Leon Trotsky saying 'SHOULDN'T YOU BE STUDYING?'

Great motivation for the half-yearlies hehe :)

I actually quite like the exam period. You can leave right after you finish your exam and catch transport to some library and study for the next one and after it's all over you feel so relieved and happy :) Minus the stress part and the everything-counts-cos-it's-year-12 exam weeks are pretty fun :D

ROFL also I was going to run the cross country after hearing that JP was going to, but then the other day I took my dog walking:

Walking tiemz

And it had been like 10 minutes of jogging and I was exhausted HAHA and I was like to biscuit Slow Down!!! So yup still deciding whether or not to do cross country...seeing as I'm extremely unfit lol. And since I go to the library a lot and always eat some type of fast food (mostly McDonalds...I mean now they have the new Loose Change menu haha I'm more liable to be even more that even possible, I'm the most unhealthy person I know lol) coupled with lack of exercise = complete inability to run/walk 3km haha

Love: Michelle

1 comment:

  1. OMG THAT POSTER IN MISS Ks ROOM IS SO FUNNY! I am so glad i will get to see it each morning at roll call. Lenin is cute. haha
