Wednesday 28 March 2012

School photos and barely surviving exam week

We got our school photos last Friday! Exciting stuff :) I showed my mum and she took out all my old school photos from years gone by and I had fun comparing them haha

Hehe baby pic

Time to get a new fringe lol....

                                        I think one day I will bring the pigtails back. Lol

Exam week started on Monday! What is it about exams that make you want to be dog? Seriously say you're stressing a lot whilst studying and then outside you spot your dog, sleeping or playing or eating and you just feel man I want o be a dog!! Haha maybe it's just me?

Carefree dawg

Paws look soft :3

English extension on Monday was okay, I wrote more than I expected and I had this panic attack where I realized I didn't even address the question in my intro so after rushing through my creative I went back and rewrote my intro.

Maths advanced was so loong. The only way to describe it. Three hours! My stomach started grumbling into the third hour. I was disappointed at my inability to get the last two multiple choice. Actually I got the last one but I circled p+q because I forgot that it was -(p+q) because the denominator was actually (q-p). Silly me :(

I realized I mutter to myself a lot in exams. Little pep talks. That reminds me of peptides. Which I studied this morning at 5am for chemistry.

Chemistry was a little disappointing. I feel like I should be doing well in it cos it-and Maths-are the only subjects I go to tutoring for and therefore I feel like if I'm not doing well I'm wasting my parent's money.

I think I will take a nap shortly. Too much lack of sleep. Woke up so early this morning that it was completely dark outside and I watched the sun rise as I did titration problems.