Monday 20 February 2012

Curly fries reprise and steak!

When my mum aske me where I wanted to go for an early birthday dinner the only thing I could think of was I want curly fries so I chose Hogs Breath cafe lol. It's pretty nice, I really like the steak and the FRIES ofc LOL :) Morrocan salt curly fries @towers has caused a huge obsession in me.

Well when we left the house yesterday night, it was not this horrid rainy weather we're getting right now. It was SUNNY and BOILING and I was originally going to wear this cool cut-out shoulder red dress but it was too hot for that cos the sleeves are long so I decided to wear my staple white blouse (I wore this like all of summer lol) and my geometric skirt :)

My blouse! Tried to take a photo of my outfit myself. Fail lol. had to ask my sis.

And le skirt. I borrowed my sister's white wooden-heeled sandals. Quite a laid-back look for a birthday, usually I love dressing up for occasions like this but I cbb haha at that time cos of dat heat and fried brain cells due to english essay-ing all day. My mum and sister looked more dressed up, in a red and purple dress respectively :)

There was a car in the wall as decoration across from where I was sitting. Above it was a TV that played old hits like ABBA and it also played 'Summer Nights' from Grease!! :D What a birthday treat lol.

I don't like either mushrooms or garlic, but my sis ordered the garlic mushroom steak for us to share lol (and even traded the curly fries for mash. And the vegetables for SALAD. I hate salad.)

I shared with my mum instead haha

Yay avocado! And mm those curly fries.

The reason my mum, sis and I always share is that all 3 of us don't eat that much so when we have 2 dishes between 3 we can finish them all nicely (even so, I was SOO full when I got home).

At my cousin RN's great insistence, we ordered a bowl of some cheese-and-bacon curly fries. They don't look that appetising above cos I put a weird dark filter on the photo LOL but it was really nice :)

I had a whole plateful of them.

The bowl of cheese-and-bacon curly fries came on a paper doily. I LOVE DOILIES. I used to collect them (but I have this weird theory where I forbid myself from going out to purposely buy a pack of them cos that's cheating and I can only collect ones that have been given to me). Anyway I began to realise the only time I received doilies was when someone gave me food and it somehow was on a doily like a cake etc and collecting those are a bit weird cos they're kinda gross from the food like cake bits on them, oil, etc HAHA so I stopped but the love for doilies remains a constant :)

When I grow up, everything I make will be put on a doily and they will adorn my room and fabric doilies for my couches and doilies for my plates which will have cat faces on them...ah bliss :) LOL you can probably guess why I love Dolores Umbridge from Harry Potter...

My cousin, sis and I shared a mars bar sundae for dessert :) Yummy! The waitress was kind and observant enough to give us three spoons without us having to ask :)

That was about it for my night last night :)

Hoping this rainy weather does not continue for my birthday :(

Love: Michelle

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