Friday 24 February 2012

I'm 17!!

NOTE: this was written on the 22nd of February 2012, I didn't want to post it then cos I didn't take any of the pictures yet :P

Wow. 1-7.

Today was one of the best, if not the best birthday of my life (only I think 16th can be a real contender).

It differed from my 16th though; it was low-key, relaxed, but full of laughter and good weather and smiles and memories :')

Firstly, at recess I recieved a polaroid and film from AM, BT, RH, MQ, GZ, KT, RC and RL. Thank you so so so so so so so much guys; I love it so so so so incredibly much :') Not sure how many 'so's' I can fit there but honestly I nearly burst into tears :) Thanks for the burnt sienna hat too!


Thank you to EL for the AWESOME DELICIOUS COOKIE and the super cute piggy lunch box :) I love love love cute lunch boxes :)

Thank you to LL for the awesome earrings! Too cute :) Haha I've already worn them twice :)

Thank you to MQ again for the use of your camera practically all night when we went out for dinner :D The lighting is soo cool (I call this photo cruise ship cos the background looks like a cruise :D )

Thank you to everyone who wrote me a card, texted, wrote on my wall, wished me hbd in person etc :) It all meant so much to me and made me feel so special :D

Thank you MP my Vice-captain male counterpart; who initiated everyone in Prefects roll call singing me Happy Birthday and tried to get everyone in my chem class to do the same ROFL. I couldn't ask for a better partner :) Woo secret handshake time!! :)

Thank you RH for the chocolate cake!

Thank you to JP for the super cute bag :) I LOVE the colour!!

  Thank you to GZ for the super fancy cupcakes! I've never seen such nice ones! Sorry sorry that I ruined them when I accidentally dropped the box :(

Thank you to BT for my first ever mix-cd! Listening to it as I'm typing this :')

Thank you to my Mummy for paying for the dinner!

Thank you Daddy for the blowtorch! Now I can make creme brulee hehe :)

Thank you to my sister (who has currently been away from home all week cos she's an O Week leader or something for UNSW) for the new pyjamas! I would take a photo but you hid them from me haha and you said you'd show me when you came back home :P

Anyway I know this is a lot of thanks but basically I want to thank EVERYONE that made this day such a spectacular and special one. My last birthday as a high school student was so magical and honestly I wouldn't have changed a single thing about today. Even math tutoring was super fun today lol :)

I'm taking all my cards to bed and reading them all again before I fall asleep. I love you all so so much and I'm so blessed to have such wonderful friends and family :3

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