Monday 9 January 2012

The Adventures of Superdawg and Revisiting Childhood

So I took my dog Biscuit out for a walk on Saturday to CL's house in the street behind mine (on account of the fact that CL is on a holiday with her family and we wanted to break in and rob her haha JOKES we have been feeding her dog Sugar for her) :D

Standing at CL's front door for about 10 minutes trying to work out which key will open the several locks and Biscuit getting impatient, trying to explore the front lawn lol

                                     Biscuit: "Why are you guys taking so long?????"

Anyway we heard Sugar barking and when we finally got inside Biscuit ran straight to the clear door where Sugar was :)

And we thought they were going to get along just fine. But then...
That's Sugar in the background too scared to socialise.
Poor Sugar is hiding

But then after a while she got over her fear and they made friends! See how cute :3

Haha maybe now they can go on dog walking parties to dog parks or something :))))) Haha and Sugar and Biscuit: See even their names go together :) They can be BFFLS now lol

Also another thing: Sugar has this awesome living space
She has this awesome cushion shaped like a bed and 2 KENNELS! One on top of the other!!! It's like a double storey house for dogs!!!!!! :O

Lately I have had this urge to dig out this old thing:
Yup the trusty old PLAYSTATION 1 :)

I remember the first game I had on PS1 was some 101 Dalmations game my dad bought me.

And my sister and I played this game for like 2 hours +
Seriously who else played Crash Team Racing growing up? BEST. GAME. EVER. Mario-kart will NEVER compare LOL

I also read these two books yesterday

HAHA I have so many Babysitter's Little Sister books....I bet anybody who has read these book knows that one chapter that repeats itself in every book. Yes, you know what I'm talkin about...'I'm Karen Two-Two my two families blahblah Little House Big House Now I'm going to name all my pets like Crystal Light the Second etcetc'

Anyway that was my brief blast to the past :) I hope you guys are having fun wherever and whatever you're doing! I've been spending today writing out Legal Studies notes :) Very proud of myself because I managed to somehow turn my Legal Studies textbook into an iBook on my iPad (which is a feat for me because I'm very bad with technology...)

WIN! Now whenever I go to the library to study I don't have to lug around heavy textbooks I can just bring my iPad :)

Love: Michelle


  1. Sugar and Biscuit, how cute!! They are such adorable friends :)

    And Enid Blyton was the bomb, seriously.

  2. Hi Eunice! yesssss Enid Blyton :):) hehe Sugar Biscuit :F
