Friday 6 January 2012

The Adventures of Tintin

Today my sister took me out to watch this:
IT WAS SUCH A GOOD MOVIE!!!! Probably the closest thing to an action movie I will ever watch. Haha well it did fit action movie criteria: Sidekick (Snowy), explosions, car chasings through the streets, drive by shooting, use of more than 2 types of unusual transport (eg ship, motorbike, helicopter). Yes 'Tintin' has my ultimate approval (it's one of those movies where I would actually willingly watch again in the cinema :D )

We went to get our tickets pretty late and didn't pre-book so we ended up with seats in Row D
Since our seats were kind of to the side we decided to sit in the middle of Row C instead because there was nobody in that row and it was nice even if it was a little too close to the screen :) Since we were so close though everytime the camera panned quickly across the screen it was a little blurry and dizzying but not too bad :)

Hey I always wondered how old is Tintin?? I always thought in the comics (which I LOVED to read growing up. They were the BOMB) that he was around 15-16ish but then I was watching the movie and he could drive planes and cars and lived in his own apartment but then somebody else in the film called him a 'young boy'? He looks and seems young but I guess he must be 19/20? Because he's a reporter as well and you have to be older than a teenager at least to have a full-time occupation like that. Oh well he is MYSTERY AGE because he's TINTIN haha enough said :)

Tintin actually made me want to be a reporter when I was young because the whole detective and mystery and adventure thing seemed so exciting (as you can guess, I also read copious amounts of books like Nancy Drew, The Famous Five and The Secret Seven growing up LOL).

Ooh and Snowy too gave me unrealistic expectations for what a dog should be able to do HAHA.

                                                    BISCUIT Y U NO SNOWY??!!

And Biscuit's just like "Hey whatever I'm better than Snowy."


Love: Michelle :)


  1. Hey Renee! I only just started a week ago so I'm fairly new to the world of blogging :)

  2. Well your blog is about as interesting as watching milk curdle.....

  3. Thank you for that comment ROSE :P (and for taking me out to watch Tintin too lol) :) btw I will have you know that milk curdling is a very scientific process
