Wednesday 18 January 2012

Technology Ban and Intensive Cleaning

Hi everyone! I feel as though it's been a while since I blogged even though in reality it's only been 5 days. It's probably cos on Saturday I had this realisation that I hadn't done much work since the holidays started so I put myself on a TECHNOLOGY BAN until I completed the things on a LIST I wrote :) Complete with little square check boxes.

Yeah I've only done about 75% of that list and here I am on the computer. A good reason though: On Tuesday night I realised I had to release my ban cos on Wednesday nights the prefects go to a soup kitchen in Parramatta and it had stopped a bit for the holidays and started again today so I had to reactivate my facebook and write on the Prefects group wall reminding everyone that soup kitchen was starting again in case everyone else forgot lol.

Also we've been getting a new fence to replace the old one and that's been taking 3 days.

Our new fence in progress:

Yuz my pool is very green btw

So we've had to wake up at about 7 every morning cos the builders get here about then. Poor Biscuit has been tied to a pole (we extended her leash with a skipping rope lol so she can still reach her bed, food bowl, water, and favourite toy Snoopy) for about 2 days now cos if we let her go she could easily run out onto the street because lack of proper complete fencing=easy gateway to the road outside. At first we put Biscuit in the laundry room but she hated not being outside and chewed up so many things in that room LOL so we tethered her outside. The neighbour that we are getting the fence done with also has no fence and they have 2 dogs and we can see that they also tied up their dogs and all 3 dogs can see each other clearly without the normal fencing and they bark and whine together haha

                                                             Poor Biscuit is tied up :(
Our street is also doing that council cleanup thing so we've been throwing away lots of old stuff like our old bikes (I never used them anyway lol) and guess what I found??? MY OLD SCOOTER!!!

                      It won't stand up so it's just lying down and also it's kinda dusty and gross to touch lol

It's so awesome I will give it a wipedown from the dust and go scootering down my driveway like old times :')

Anyway hope you guys have been having a productive week. I'm off to do more cleaning cos some peeps are coming over on Friday :D

Love: Michelle


  1. I've always admired your cleaning skills. Please clean my house jks

  2. HAHA we'll do a trade you can dye my hair and I'll clean your house :)
