Thursday 26 January 2012

Happy Australia Day!

Happy Australia Day readers! Shame about the rainy weather (although outside looking more and more sunny now compared to the deluge yesterday and this morning) or else I would have walked my dog down to the park and maybe had a bbq :D

Yesterday I met up with VS, who has been in India for the past 5 WEEKS! Such a long holiday! So glad we could meeet and chat, I've missed her hehe :)

I thought I was running late (and we agreed to meet at 10) and I was at the bus stop at 9:50am and texted her to tell her I might be a little late-ish then LOL she called me and started rambling and I couldn't tell what she was saying and I finally was able to decepher that my text had woken her up and she'd slept through her alarm. Poor girl, I don't blame her she's still all tired from her holiday :)

I had a peek around the Camera Shop in Towers to see what they sold and walked around for a bit looking for hair pins :) Recently I've also been liking hair pins and clasps. My sister bought me some the other day when she went thrift shopping :D

Anyway VS and I decided to brunch at The Great Bagel and Coffee Company :) The bagels are great but I didn't try the coffee so I can't confirm that one haha

They give you really big knives to cut your bagels witha nd no forks. We also got curly fries with morrocan salt :) SO YUMMY reminds me of that time BT :D

The bagels were pretty small-ish but really filling and we could hardly finish the cakes I had brought with me for dessert. OH YEAH forgot to say 2 days ago one of family friend's came over for dinner and brought with him a whole box and really nice cakes :D

This one was my favourite:
Still haven't eaten this one yet, I brought it yesterday for someone at the library but since it was raining they couldn't make it ><

Okay I was telling KB about this on facebook but funny story- it was raining SO HARD

Okay photo does not do justice to deluge outside; our shoes were soaked and when cars esp TRUCKS drove past we got sprayed with water all over lol

So anyway me and VS decided to walk down to the library and we only had one umbrella (mine) then we got there and we were soaked and tried to dry off in the bathroom

Trying to dry our shoes....

Then we decided to sit on one of those couches and read a girflfriend mag whilst waiting for the rain to subside (it didn't) and there was this RealGirl story about being addicted to eating soap and I was like to VS "Hey remember in year 5 camp I ate some handwash?" [truestory] and she was like WHAT EWWWWW no wonder I thought you were weird in Year 5!!! Me: "You thought I was weird? :( " VS: YOU ATE HANDWASH who wouldn't?????

HAHA to clarify it's cos it smelled like fruit and also okay I was pretty weird LOL but hey it was one time! Haha now I sound like that girl from Mean Girls and someone will put a pic of me in the burn book and be like "Michelle ate handwash" and distribute photocopies of it in corridors and I'll pick it up and be like "Hey that was like one time!!!"

Lol if anyone gets what scene I'm talking about HI-5! It's the 'Made out with a hot dog' one btw haha

Anyway VS had to go and catch her bus and since she didn't have an umbrella I decided to walk her to the bus stop but before we left the library she was like Where's my wallet?? Then I realised Where's my umbrella???

So we tried looking in various places and even asked the guy at the front desk but he said he couldn't find them then I went back to the place we first looked and heypresto they were there HAHA so we walked off to towers. Only when we got to towers did we realise...WE FORGOT TO BORROW OUR BOOKS!! (I had reccommended VS some ItGirl books haha)

So we decided to trek BACK to the library (keep in mind it's still POURING OUT THERE throughout all this) and went to borrow our books. The self-borrow place then told VS she had an unpaid fine on her library card so we went BACK to the counter with the counter guy that definitely knew us by now HAHA and paid the fine, then borrowed the books.

THEN we walked back to towers and went to Coles to buy Peppermint Tea :D After that we walked to the bus stop, waited together for her bus THEN I walked back to the library. Phew! That's a lot of trips to and from haha and I got soakeddddd so I had to go back to the bathroom and use the hairdryer (it didn't work). The library too is FREEZING with the air-con on full blast and I was only wearing a strapless dressa nd a denim jacket so I was soo cold haha and I told my mum to bring stockings and new non-wet shoes when she came to pick me up.

Love: Michelle

P.S. Can't wait to film the Prefect Vid tomorrow!! Hoping it doesn't rain! SS, RC and VB are ah-mazing (they recorded the audio part yesterday) :D Also, I should get started on sewing me and RH's muck-up costumes ><

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